This picture is from the day we did IUI. This is in no way glamorous, but it's my life. (And there really isn't anything cuter than Cannon's bedhead!)
I have had so many questions about my experience with infertility and exactly what my family and I are going through. I have been trying to get pregnant for over a year and a half now. To start, my doctor put me on clomid for six months which was really hard on my body. I had constant hot flashes, horrible head aches and was so00 moody. While I was training for the New York Marathon, I stopped taking Clomid and decided to let me body heal and rest. I also didn't want all of the running and stress on my body to harm the baby if I were to get pregnant. In between that time I visited the infertility clinic and we made a game plan. In November after the marathon, I did my first IUI treatment, they put me on Femara (which is WAY better and easier on my body than Clomid was. I hardly have any side effects.). I ended up having two good follicles that were a size 17 and 18. I wasn't sure what to think about that so I started googling things and found that a lot of people said that those sizes sounded a little small so I was discouraged going in to the IUI treatment the next day. I did the trigger shot which was not so bad. The build up and anxiety of it was horrible though. I was so nervous and couldn't stop crying before Taylor gave me the shot. I ended up getting a huge bruise on my stomach but it didn't actually hurt that bad! Everything went well with the IUI and then I had to endure the LONG 2 week wait. Let me just tell you that, that part alone was SO hard! The day came where they called and told me it was negative and I was devastated. I thought for sure it was going to work! I cried the whole next day and then picked myself up and decided that it was totally fine and I would just try again next month.
We are now on our second month of IUI and I took Femara again. When my doctor was checking everything, we found that this time, my uterine lining was thin so my doctor put me on Estrace. Estrace is supposed to help my lining get thicker. I took that and had an ultrasound the next day and my follicles were 25 and 19. I am really excited that they were bigger this time! I did the trigger shot and had the IUI done again last Friday. I want to feel hopeful, but I'm also trying to be realistic, and don't have high hopes because of the uterine lining being thin. If this round of IUI doesn't work, we will try one more time next month. If that doesn't work, we are going to think about trying IVF. If we end up needing to do IVF, the whole process is a lot more intense but I really feel like I want at least one more baby. It has been such an emotional roller coaster. I really feel for all of you moms or soon to be moms that have gone through this! It has been so helpful to see all of your comments and read your stories about what you went through and the success stories! It's nice to know that other people are going through the same thing as me and it has really created a bond between me and some of my readers who have reached out to me! Thank you so much for all of your support!